Car & Home Insurance

We offer critical insurance and risk management solutions for doctors, medical specialists and healthcare workers.

Film, TV and Events Insurance is imperative when filming in South Africa or anywhere around the world

D&O Liability Insurance provides financial protection for the Directors and Officers of a company in the event they are faced with a legal suit pertaining to the failure to perform their duties as they relate to the company

Our experienced brokers understand the impact that incidents can have on the wellbeing of professionals and the need to have effective and efficient defence.

Employment Practice Liability (EPL) Insurance protects employers against allegations of discrimination (age, sex, race, disability, etc.), wrongful termination of employment, sexual harassment, and other employment-related issues. 

- Our Partners -

Life Cover

Legal experts have noted the rise in medical claims as well the increase in public awareness of patient rights. Patient claims in South Africa have increased by 550% compared to those of 10 years ago. We advise doctors on the appropriate indemnity cover to protect them against allegations of wrongful practices and preventable errors. Protect yourself and your practice from patient claims.

Funeral Cover

Film, TV and Events Insurance is imperative when filming in South Africa or anywhere around the world.  We offer fully comprehensive Film, Events and TV producers’ packages ensuring that your in-house and outsourced productions are covered, allowing your teams to focus on what they do best, delivering top class productions.

Estate & Tax Planning

D&O Liability Insurance provides financial protection for the Directors and Officers of a company in the event they are faced with a legal suit pertaining to the failure to perform their duties as they relate to the company. Since a director can be held personally responsible for acts of the company, most Directors and Officers will demand to be protected rather than put their personal assets at risk.

you Equipment is an investment

Protect it, ask about our Film & Entertainment cover.

Car & Home Insurance

Our experienced brokers understand the impact that incidents can have on the wellbeing of professionals and the need to have effective and efficient defence. Our professional indemnity insurance solutions are tailored for your profession as an accountant, nurse, director or doctor and will offer you protection during these stressful experiences.

Car Insurance

D&O Liability Insurance provides financial protection for the Directors and Officers of a company in the event they are faced with a legal suit pertaining to the failure to perform their duties as they relate to the company. Since a director can be held personally responsible for acts of the company, most Directors and Officers will demand to be protected rather than put their personal assets at risk.

Home Insurance

D&O Liability Insurance provides financial protection for the Directors and Officers of a company in the event they are faced with a legal suit pertaining to the failure to perform their duties as they relate to the company. Since a director can be held personally responsible for acts of the company, most Directors and Officers will demand to be protected rather than put their personal assets at risk.

smarthome fixtures & Appliances

Smarthome Fixtures

Smarthome Fixtures is an optional extra insurance product that assists households with emergency home repairs. It covers repair after wear and tear, failure or replacement of key household components..

What is covered?

Depending on the cover chosen, hour home will be insured against electrical, plumbing, geyser and motor repairs . The replacement of components or entire units, where necessary , is also covered. Each claim is limited to R 10 000, with a flat excess of R250 

Period of cover

The Smarthome Fixtures cover is a monthly policy, so it renews each month for as long as the premium is paid.

our Standard package

per month

Add On Covers

R38 per motor

R99 per geyser


The benefits of taking out these optional extras is that when you claim, our insurance consultants will help you get your appliances fixed with reputable repairers. We’ll make sure you are not faced with unforeseen expenses to repair your appliances. If it can’t be repair it, the appliance will be replaced. There is an affordable premium with no excess to be paid with each claim and many other benefits!


Another optional extra you may want to add onto your insurance policy for your home! This monthly policy assists households with  mechanical and electrical breakdown cover on major household appliances.

What is covered?
After you choose which appliances you want to insure, they will be covered for mechanical or electrical breakdown including the replacement of components and, if necessary, the entire appliance. Each claim is limited to R20,000.

*All terms, conditions and exclusions are available in the product wording.

our Standard package

per month

Add On Covers

R23 Television

R45 Fridge/Freezer

R18 Sound Bars / Bluetooth Speakers

R28 Tumble Dryer

R10 Decoder

R35 Dishwasher

The appliance will be replaced with a similar brand/quality appliance if:

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